
Families in 22 counties now have the opportunity to earn a college degree or certificate tuition free

9月14日, pp电子极速糖果 President John Marshall was joined by community leaders to announce a remarkable new initiative that will revolutionize higher education accessibility for students and families in western Colorado. 

公告, 马歇尔制造, 大枢纽市市长安娜·斯托特说, 梅萨县专员科迪·戴维斯说, 蒙特罗斯市临时市长大卫·里德和CMU理事洛莉·巴克,  宣布了CMU的承诺, 哪个专注于提供负担得起的服务, quality education ranging from career and technical education certificates to 4-year degrees. The commitment signifies CMU's dedication to ensuring that a college education is within reach for lower and middle-income families by covering the cost of tuition for those who qualify. 

多年来, CMU has been a statewide and national leader when it comes to offering affordable, 质量计划. 二十年来, the CMU Board of Trustees has worked diligently to keep tuition increases as low as possible, 这是有效的. CMU offers the third lowest tuition and fees in the state of Colorado. 这所大学通过几项倡议做到了这一点, 一个例子是“少学”, which reduced tuition and fees by 40% for career and technical education programs at CMU Tech. Now, beginning next fall, CMU will launch the next phase in affordability, the CMU Promise.   

The CMU Promise is a commitment to every student from lower to middle-income households in western Colorado that earn $65,000或以下. The promise extends to students from each of the 22 counties in the region, 向他们保证,如果他们选择参加CMU或CMU技术, 这所大学每年都会想办法支付他们的学费. 

This promise is made possible through a network of strategic partnerships and funding sources, 包括联邦佩尔助学金, 科罗拉多学生助学金, 科罗拉多机会奖学金计划(COSI), 地方政府出资, 私人奖学金机会等等.  

“CMU has some of the lowest tuition and fees in the state and in the country, and the reality for us is that doesn’t happen with any one person or organization. 这是社区的努力,”CMU校长约翰·马歇尔说. “这是与大Junction市合作的结果, who has been one of our longest and one of our most important partners, 大学, 科罗拉多州, CMU Tech's Learn for Less reduction in tuition that we made a year ago, 蒙特罗斯市和县. And of course none of this would have been possible without two decades worth of partnership with Mesa County.” 

在新闻发布会上, Trustee Buck spoke passionately about the board's deliberations leading up to the announcement. She expressed the board's pride in being part of this transformative initiative and emphasized that financial barriers should never deter students from pursuing an educational path or degree.  

“Our Board of Trustees had a really great conversation about this at our last meeting,受托人巴克说. “对于许多, higher education seems like it’s out of reach but with this initiative we’re communicating that financial barriers should never be a reason for students of western Colorado to not pursue a degree.”

Next to speak was City of Grand Junction 五月or and CMU Alumna Anna Stout, who highlighted the City of Grand Junction's long-standing partnership with CMU. Stout emphasized the city's economic progress and how strategic collaborations like the one between Grand Junction and CMU have positioned the region for continued success, 其中包括伦敦金融城对学生的投资, 通过实习, 奖学金, 就业及其他. Stout also discussed how if the CMU Promise was available when she was a Maverick, 她有资格.  


梅萨县专员科迪·戴维斯说 spoke about the importance of workforce development regarding economic growth and the county’s long history of supporting students to ensure businesses have access to a skilled workforce.  

“As a business owner, the biggest thing we struggle with is skilled labor in the community. This is another tool that we have now to help upskill or maybe reskill our community members,” said 梅萨县专员科迪·戴维斯说. “我为我们的外衬社区感到非常兴奋, 无论是在DeBeque, 无论是Gateway, 不管是克利夫顿. We’ve made a sizable investment in those communities in the last couple years and this is just another opportunity for those communities to be able to access free, 减少教育, 提高自己的技能, 获得更多的机会."

He added that the CMU Promise sends a strong message of unity in providing opportunities to every student in Mesa County as well as the 21 other counties the promise extends to. 

Montrose 五月or Pro Tem David 里德 shared his enthusiasm for the CMU Promise as both a member of the Montrose City Council and a former CMU Trustee. 里德, 他是CMU蒙特罗斯校区的长期支持者, acknowledged the benefits of local kids getting the opportunity to remain in Montrose to pursue their education and graduating with less debt than ever before.  

里德 viewed the CMU Promise as an invaluable outreach tool to communicate the accessibility of high-quality education to families. 

“I want to reaffirm our gratitude to all the donors and philanthropists that have made this day possible. 当然还有我们的当地政府合作伙伴. We could not operate this place without your support," said Marshall. “To the families of western Colorado, college is possible and we’re going to help you figure it out." 

在宣布之后, CMU将启动CMU承诺之旅, meaning every high school in the 22 qualifying counties will be visited by a representative of CMU in the months to come. 

To learn more about the CMU Promise call the Admissions Office at 970.248.1875年或访问WWW.davidegalliani.com/admissions.  


凯尔西·科尔曼(Kelsey Coleman)撰写