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pp电子极速糖果技术的运输服务技术计划提供负担得起的, 为现代汽车和柴油技术人员提供高质量和方便的培训. 使用最先进的设备和行业认可的课程. Students learn to 修复 drive trains; engines; 刹车; climate control; 悬架 and 操舵 systems; electronics and electrical systems; and improve engine performance, 替代燃料汽车和自动变速器.

实践教学使学生具有竞争优势,通过他们的ASE认证,并获得稳定的, 高科技, rewarding and high-paying job. 交通运输项目以培养学生成为交通运输维修行业的合格和富有成效的成员而自豪.

Why choose transportation services at 卡pp电子极速糖果的科技?

  • 基于当前行业所需设备和软件的指导
  • 主要汽车制造商提供的最先进的设备和当前的培训辅助设备, including scan tools, digital scopes, 计算机校准设备和电子ABS测试仪
  • 汽车卓越服务(ASE)认证
  • 完成学位后,毕业生可以参加ASE考试

在这个应用科学副学士学位中,学生主修运输服务,重点是高级汽车服务技术人员. Students learn the fundamentals of electronics, 开胃菜, 发动机, charging systems, air conditioning, cooling and heating systems, 安全, technical math and use of technical manuals. 该课程还教授基本的管理、书面和口头沟通以及领导技能. 高级课程包括内燃机拆卸的深入研究, 修复, 重新组装, diagnosis and troubleshooting; 悬架 systems; and alignment and wheel balance. 高级汽车服务技师重点培养学生的职业生涯作为汽车技师, parts and service distributors, industrial sales representatives, 运输服务行业的服务经理和企业主.


在这个应用科学副学士学位中,学生主修运输服务,重点是柴油技术. Students learn the fundamentals of electronics, 开胃菜, 点火, charging systems, air conditioning, cooling and heating systems, 安全, technical math and use of technical manuals. 学生还学习基本的管理、书面和口头沟通以及领导技能. 高级课程包括内燃机拆卸的深入研究, 修复, 重新组装, diagnosis and troubleshooting; 悬架 systems; and alignment and wheel balance. 柴油技术的重点是公路卡车和轻型柴油动力车辆. 学生将为柴油技术人员的职业生涯做好准备, parts and service distributors, industrial sales representatives, service man年龄rs, 以及运输服务行业的企业主.


Students learn the fundamentals of electronics, 开胃菜, 点火, charging systems, air conditioning, cooling and heating systems, 安全, technical math and use of technical manuals. 学生还学习基本的管理、书面和口头沟通以及领导技能. 高级课程包括内燃机拆卸的深入研究, 修复, 重新组装, diagnosis and troubleshooting; 悬架 systems; and alignment and wheel balance. *学生在修读本技术证书前,必须先修毕轻工技术员技术证书.


Students learn the fundamentals of electronics, 开胃菜, 点火, charging systems, air conditioning, cooling and heating systems, 安全, technical math and use of technical manuals. 学生还学习基本的管理、书面和口头沟通以及领导技能. 高级课程包括内燃机拆卸的深入研究, 修复, 重新组装, diagnosis and troubleshooting; 悬架 systems; and alignment and wheel balance. 柴油机械专业专注于公路卡车和轻型柴油动力车辆.


Students learn the fundamentals of electronics, 开胃菜, 点火, charging systems, air conditioning, 刹车, 悬架, 操舵, cooling and heating systems, 安全, technical math and use of technical manuals. 基本的管理、沟通和领导能力. 学生还学习基本的管理、书面和口头沟通以及领导技能.


Students learn the fundamentals of electronics, 开胃菜, 点火, charging systems, air conditioning, 刹车, 悬架, 操舵, cooling and heating systems, 安全, technical math and use of technical manuals. 基本的管理、沟通和领导能力. 学生还学习基本的管理、书面和口头沟通以及领导技能.


Students learn the fundamentals of electronics, 开胃菜, 点火, charging systems, air conditioning, 刹车, 悬架, 操舵, cooling and heating systems, 安全, technical math and use of technical manuals. 学生还学习基本的管理、书面和口头沟通以及领导技能.


Career Options

  • Automotive/diesel technician
  • Parts and service distributor
  • Industrial sales representative
  • Drive train specialist
  • Chassis or engine specialist
  • Service man年龄r
  • Brake and 悬架 technician
  • Electronics technician
  • Auto 修复 business owner

Career Pathways

职业道路课程为学生在行业就业做好准备,同时也为获得副学士学位提供了跳板, bachelor’s degree and beyond. Learn more about career pathways.

Career Pathways Certificate Length of Program
Light Duty Automotive Technician Foundation I 2 semesters (9 credits)
Light Duty Automotive Technician Foundation II 2 semesters (8 credits)

Program Faculty