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    1.  Explore your interests:

  • Take the Strong Interest Inventory
  • Create a free account with Pathful Explore
    • Pathful Explore is a FREE national career exploration service with a combination of interactive tools, assessments, and real-world career exploration. Create your account today, complete career assessments, and discover the careers that best match your interests and values.
  • Check out My Colorado Journey: Create a free account with My Colorado Journey - a platform that connects job seekers and students to careers, education planning, and support resources through a process that drives action and goal completion. Start your journey today!


  1. Consider your skills & strengths:
  • What subjects have you enjoyed in the past?
  • What classes have you breezed through?
  • What do you consider your top skills?
  • What are your weaknesses or areas you definitely want to avoid?


  1. Get Experience:
  • Perform an Informational Interview- this is an opportunity to interview a professional that is currently in a career that you are interested in. Learn firsthand from an expert on what the job is all about.  To find out how to conduct an informational interview, visit the career services center: 970-248-1404.
  • Volunteer- Get some great experience for your resume while still getting exposure to the working world and exploring career fields.
  • Complete an Internship- Internships are a great opportunity to network, gain experience, hone your skills, and explore different career fields.


  1. Consider your desired workplace values:
  • Do you want flexibility in work structure/schedule?
  • Do you prefer routines and a predictable work environment?
  • Is a work life/home life balance important to you?
  • Do you enjoy supervising others and taking on a leadership role?
  • Ask yourself: Do the careers that you are interested in line up with your desired workplace values?


    5.   Do your homework:


  1. Declare your major officially by contacting the administrative assistant in the department where your intended major is housed.