

对转班如何进入pp电子极速糖果感兴趣? 你可以在这个在线工具中自己查找. 你只需要知道哪个学院/大学和课程科目/编号.

转移等值自助服务(TESS) -最好在Internet Explorer, Google Chrome或Safari中查看.

有关如何使用它的信息,请查看 TESS帮助/FAQ页面.

The 注册商's Office evaluates transcripts and prepares a Transfer Equivalency Report (TER) to determine the courses that are transferred to pp电子极速糖果. The TER is produced by the 注册商's Office after the student has been admitted and all official transcripts are received. It consists of a computer printed page showing course transfer equivalents but will not show how courses are used in the major program; you will need to see an advisor to determine that.

If you have any questions regarding your Transfer Equivalency Report please contact the 注册商's Office at:


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